About us

Understanding website stats & analytics using most analytics tools is too complex & time-consuming for non-technical people.

After looking at alternatives

Our journey began in 2021

We aim to offer an all-in-one solution for any website in order to grow their business, by providing advanced website statistics, user-experience & behavior analytics, visitor interaction modules and many other features. All done respecting highest levels of user privacy.
A perfect fit for your every day life

Designed to be versatile

Visitor Analytics has experienced more than 2M installs from 190 countries since founding and aims to offer an all-in-one solution for any website in regards to website statistics, UX & behavior (recordings, heatmaps, funnels, etc.), visitor interaction and much more. All tools support growing your (online) business noticeably.
Simplicity in design and form

We’re just getting started

Tracking and understanding website-statistics, -analytics and user behavior using most tools is very complex & time-consuming for (non-technical) people. You need to install and use many different tools in parallel. Retrieve data from different silos and compare them or are frequently stuck due to overwhelming graphs and charts. This is why we developed Visitor Analytics: all the tools you need united in one app. An intuitive structure, a neat presentation of complex data and making great use of the data synergies between modules!

Our incredible team are here for you

Sapna M

Company Director
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends."

Reynold Roy

Head of Design
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you."

Shiva Kumar

Research & Development
"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer focus can’t be copied."

Vasanth Kumar

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
I switched to WebDataStudio.com because it’s an ethical analytics tool that I can trust with my data. The interface is beautifully simple to use: it shows me everything I want to know about my site's performance, and nothing I don’t!
Sean Walsh
London, UK
WebDataStudio.com is the perfect privacy-based Analytics solution for us. We can provide the metrics that our clients need and reassure them that their customers' data isn't being shared with faceless companies.
Astrid Sorensen
Oslo, Norway

In the press

User Behavior Analytics

Being able to properly analyze your users, is one of the key success factors of a website. Powerful tools are needed.

Web Statistics

These statistics are the foundation on which to perform website audits and improve your online presence.


Create heatmaps for every page of your website and see at a glance which areas experience a lot or little visitor interaction.

Campaigns Performance

Enhance your existing links with Urchin Tracking Module parameters in order to let our tool to automatically process & visualize your marketing campaigns data!